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June, 2001 (Month 1)

(images from August 7 to September 5)

My first month of life!  (NOTE:  This page is HUGE!  We haven't had time to break it into four weeks yet...and the pictures are NOT beware of download times!)

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  Mommy likes to dress me up! (Week 1) All safe and snug!  (Week 1)
Dec., 2001

Nov., 2001
October, 2001
Sept., 2001
August, 2001
July, 2001
June, 2001
May 28-31, 2001
Life is good.  (Week 1) Not sure what I want...  (Week 1)
Sleep!  (Week 1) Mom and Alex in the sunlight... (Week 1)
Gotta get rid of that jaundice!  (Week 1) Grandpa and Tiger with AW!  (Week 1)
Now Jordan and the horses come to help. (Week 1) Grandpa, Grandma, and Daddy (week 1)
Aunt Kathy! (Week 1) Uncle Jordan! (Week 1)
Aunt Denise and Cousin Savannah visit! (Week 2) My first bath!  (Week 2)
Sisters and Daughters.  (Week 2) I like baths, I think!  (Week 2)
I spend lots of time in the swing.  (Week 2) Still getting used to life...  (Week 2)
Is it dinner yet?  (Week 2) Savannah loves her cousin!  (Week 2)
8 months;  2 weeks.   (Week 2) Alex doesn't get the joke.  (Week 2)
Savannah thinks Denise is funny!   (Week 2) Food?
About to take a nap on Father's Day! (Week 3) Can't hold my head up yet... (Week 3)
...but I'm still cute!  (Week 3) I don't look like an alien! (Week 3)
Can't control my mouth just yet... (Week 3) But I'm starting to smile! (Week 3)
Mommy's smiling too!  (Week 3) My thinking pose... (Week 3)
Father's Day nap! (Week 3) I'm one month old!  (Week 4)
One month is a good age.  (Week 4) I can look at things now!   (Week 4)
There's Mommy!  (Week 4) Auuugh!  A bear!  (Week 4)
There's no "n" in "month", is there?  (Week 4) AW and Woody -- same size! (Week 4)

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