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March, 2004 (Month 9) (images from March 8 to April 10)

(March update...)


Let's start with the 7 month pictures! Mommy, you're funny with that camera!
Maybe I'll crawl over to you... about a great smile first?
I'm on my way... ...I'll just sit here and rest (and clap) for a moment.
Ah, a change of scenery. I like to suck on my lower lip a lot (no teeth yet!).
I also do the whole "double-hand-wave" thing. My thumb gets quite a sucking as well.
Ah, the good old swing.  I'm always happy here. Yum, paper! (I'll eat it if I can get it.)
How does this hat look, Mama? Yay!  I'm still 7 months old!
OK, last 7 month shot and then let's move on. I watched my sister ride the boats at the park...
...and then I went on the Merry-go-round... ...with both Alex and Daddy!
I'm not sure I liked it, but it was my first time. It's bath time!
Hey, you guys are heavy! We'll start 8-month picture time with Nina!
Now that I'm 8 months old, the smiles come easier. I just love being outside...
...and I love looking at my Mommy. I'll always be calm if Mommy is around...
...and I like to give her a knowing glance. I can pull myself up and stand!
I'll pull myself up on anything nearby. Look, ma -- one hand!
I'm about to eat my 8-month sign as well. Mommy put me in this outfit...
...because my sister wore it when she was a baby. Maybe someday...
Daddy will get around to posting them side-by-side. Joey and I went to Chuck E. Cheese!
We both played with this toy... ...and then I pulled myself up to stand some more.
It's the girls at the playground! I absolutely love being in the swing.
I don't love it as much when i get big hugs from Alex. Did I mention I like to stand?
We just went swimming! It was a lot of fun, but it was serious stuff.
And now it's time to chew on this frog, if you don't mind. Nina and I are going on a trolley!
Mommy was there to comfort me... ...but I did just fine with Nina, too.
We're on a plane, heading to Indiana! I did great on the plane the whole time.
Jim came with us to the museum in Indiana! Since Daddy was working, Jim will have to do.
Another Merry-go-round!  Still not sure how I feel... Daddy's back!  And we're at a farm in Indiana!
This is Kim, and I liked when she held me! Jen took Alex and I on a swing!
At dinner the last night, I just needed to go to sleep. Now we're at the airport, heading home!
Mommy thought the light was good here... she took some pictures.
It's cousin Cadence! I wasn't thrilled here, even with GiGi in the picture!
There's Grandma, holding Cadence. And here's Daddy and Grandpa with the girls.
Easter time!  Nina held me on Friday... ...and so did Papa!
On Saturday, Daddy took me down the slide... Alex got ready to find some eggs.
Hey, I can do this egg-finding thing, too! I wonder if I can eat this?
And finally, it's Sunday Easter time! Mommy and I sat in the backyard...
..and she gave me a kiss... ...and I got to stand.
The Easter Bunny brought me a basket... ...and I tried to eat the whole egg again.
This was the best family shot we could come up with... ...and this was the best of the girls. (I was tired.)
After my nap, Mommy took some fun pictures! I sat on the bed...
...and tried to look as cute as possible. Hey, a drawer...I think I'll stand!

Here are the 11 movies for the month!

I'm kind of clapping here. (12 sec.)
Here's a quick Merry-Go-Round movie. (2 sec.)
I'm doing some great standing...until I plop down. (11 sec.)
Here's a fantastic standing movie by the flowerpot. (14 sec.)
Oh, is that you Mommy?  I'm comin' to get you! (23 sec.)
Now I'm standing at Chuck E. Cheese! (17 sec.)
How about a little post-swim chew? (17 sec.)
Look at me at the farm in Indiana! (11 sec.)
I also did some swinging with my sister out there. (7 sec.)
And now we're on the way home, in the airport! (10 sec.)
Daddy took me down the slide at Easter! (7 sec.)

Goo-goo-goo!  (See you later!)  
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