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This is a collection of all of the movies that appear throughout Charlie's site.

October 1- October 31: Charlie blowing bubbles at Grandma (20 sec.)

Sept. 1- Sept. 30: Charlie Apple Work at School (28 sec.)
Sept. 1- Sept. 30: Charlie Baby Belly (13 sec.)
Sept. 1- Sept. 30: Charlie Dentist (24 sec.)

August 1- August 31: Daddy Throwing Charlie in the Pool (20 sec.)
August 1- August 31: Charlie Jumping in the Pool (11 sec.) 

July 1- July 31: Charlie opens a birthday present! (16 sec.)
July 1- July 31: Charlie Interview  (54 sec.)
July 1- July 31: Charlie Interview 2 (64 sec.)
July 1- July 31: Charlie and Mommy  (2 sec)
July 1- July 31: Charlie Gets Wet at Sea World ( 17 sec)

Jun. 1 - Jun. 30: The girls ride the carousel at the fair! (5 sec.)

May 1 - May 31: Alex and Charlie ride the teeter-totter. (11 sec.)
May 1 - May 31: Charlie loves it, as she declares. (10 sec.)
May 1 - May 31: The puppy goes after Alex, and Charlie dives in. (20 sec.)
May 1 - May 31: Everyone -- puppy, girls, cats -- frolics on the lawn. (11 sec.)
May 1 - May 31: Charlie and Jaisel are best friends!  It's true! (12 sec.)
May 1 - May 31: They sing a rousing rendition of Twinkle Twinkle... (23 sec.)

Apr. 1 - Apr. 30: Watch me babble with my sister at the pool. (15 sec.)

Mar. 1 - Mar. 31: There are no movies this month!

Feb. 1 - Feb. 28: Charlie does some counting (with Baby Puppy). (46 sec.)
Feb. 1 - Feb. 28: Charlie introduces us to Baby Puppy. (36 sec.)
Feb. 1 - Feb. 28: Charlie shows us her underwear. (24 sec.)
Feb. 1 - Feb. 28: Now she sings Rock-a-bye-baby to Baby Puppy. (27 sec.)
Feb. 1 - Feb. 28: And finally, she gives a kiss to Alex at Costco. (4 sec.)

Jan. 2 - Jan. 31: There are no movies this month!

Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: Charlie does some performance ballet. (28 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: How about some singing/ballet/riding? (9 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: Now the ballerina tries to climb a turtle. (13 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: Alex and Charlie play on the treadmill at the Fisher Xmas. (22 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: Time for Charlie to get a pedicure! (21 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: When is Santa going to get here? (29 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: Charlie plays with her toys at the park.  (Funny!) (28 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: Alex tackles Charlie at the park. (Silent) (7 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: The girls do some serious swinging.  (Silent) (9 sec.)
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1: On the carousel at the Wild Animal Park.  (Silent) (18 sec.)

Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: Charlie eats some cake at a birthday party. (15 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: How about the ABC's at the park? (43 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: She's starting to get the hang of ballet. (11 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: On the carousel at Disneyland! (7 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: Walking at Disneyland with Grandma and Grandpa! (8 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: Daddy, "again again"! (18 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: Charlie loves to listen to music. (11 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: She's definitely getting ready for school! (27 sec.)
Nov. 2 - Nov. 31: Our future painter at work! (28 sec.)

Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: Charlie dances to B-I-N-G-O at a sing-along. (14 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: Now she does a lot more dancing. (29 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: It's time for the hokey-pokey! (54 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: And we'll wrap up the event with some marching. (21 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: Charlie sings the ABC's! (45 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: The family goes miniature golfing, and Daddy helps Charlie. (37 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: Charlie's still getting the hang of mini-golf. (32 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: Afterwards, the girls went on the spinning swing! (7 sec.)
Oct. 8 - Nov. 1: Charlie sees her first pumpkin carved on Halloween! (21 sec.)

Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Watch Charlie catch  (26 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: The girls do a little deck dancing. (20 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Charlie does some sneezing. (13 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: The girls seem to sneeze a lot. (Funny!) (22 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Now, both girls get some catching in. (16 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Everyone went to a picnic with Nina and Papa. (7 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: The girls like to wrestle sometimes. (20 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: It's unusual, but the girls got to be in ballet class together! (10 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Part 2 of ballet class. (18 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Part 3 of ballet class. (33 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Now, Charlie is in ballet with other 2 year-olds! (10 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Part 2 of Charlie at ballet on her own. (25 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Part 3 of Charlie at ballet on her own. (28 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: Part 4 of Charlie at ballet on her own. (32 sec.)
Sept. 6 - Oct. 7: The girls put on a dancing show (with costumes)! (14 sec.)

August 7 - Sept. 5: Charlie got a new big girl bed! (16 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: Alex and Charlie played on the bed (and fought?) (35 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: Charlie chased bunnies in the park. (19 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: Here's some distracted counting at the park. (25 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: Charlie can count up to 10! (16 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: Here's some more counting. (19 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: There's too much noise in the kitchen! (36 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: Here's 25 seconds of a good temper tantrum. (25 sec.)
August 7 - Sept. 5: The cousins watched and performed at the library. (45 sec.)

July 4 - August 6: Alex dresses as Elmo, much to Charlie's delight (19 sec)
July 4 - August 6: Grandma and Grandpa brought a new Elmo toy! (15 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: Charlie makes an attempt at singing Happy Birthday. (23 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: The girls dance in their pretty pink dresses. (20 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: This Happy Birthday song was a little better. (18 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: Before my birthday, I went to the library! (25 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: At my birthday party, I went in the jumpy thing! (15 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: Then I blew out the candles on my cake. (20 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: And finally, I had to choose an Elmo cupcake! (25 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: Here's Charlie trying to count (she's starting to get it). (12 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: The girls danced on the deck at dusk! (24 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: Ouch!  Shots at the doctor can hurt! (12 sec.)
July 4 - August 6: Charlie doesn't quite have the Pledge down yet. (28 sec.)

June 5 - July 3: Charlie does some talking. (28 sec)
June 5 - July 3: This little piggy went to the market... (29 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: And now some more talking. (34 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: Alex and Charlie go on a pony ride! (34 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: And now they're on the Merry-Go-Round at the Del Mar Fair. (12 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: Charlie and Alex do some great hula dancing! (19 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: The girls play with legos while waiting at the Dentist. (26 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: Then they drive a hysterically funny car at the mall! (24 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: Then Charlie rides the Toucan at the park. (7 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: Charlie jumps in the bouncy thing with her cast on. (23 sec.)
June 5 - July 3: And finally, leopard-faced Charlie watches a clown! (14 sec.)

May 2 - June 5: Charlie and Daddy squirm on the couch! (5 sec.)
May 2 - June 5: Charlie and Alex say hi to Daddy on the swing! (7 sec.)
May 2 - June 5: Playing with her sand and bucket at the pool. (15 sec.)
May 2 - June 5: Playing the "piano"! (16 sec.)
May 2 - June 5: Now the girls play and dance with the piano. (16 sec.)
May 2 - June 5: Playing with the big girls at Alex's birthday. (21 sec.)
May 2 - June 5: Experiments with play-do. (21 sec.)
May 2 - June 5: Showing off her knowledge of the princesses. (45 sec.)

April 3 - May 1: Where's Charlie? (11 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: Charlie dances to Elmo music. (21 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: Story time with the girls! (16 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: The girls play with their cats! (19 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: The girls follow instructions. (18 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: Charlie makes animal sounds. (40 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: Charlie gets really wrapped up in a book. (38 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: Charlie goes on the swing. (13 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: Charlie shows off some of her words. (35 sec.)
April 3 - May 1: The girls do some jumping on the bed! (35 sec.)

March 1 - April 2: Charlie tries to do the ballet moves she just saw Alex do. (9 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: Reading her favorite book at her desk! (12 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: She can now successfully sort colors! (34 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: Charlie can turn the lights on and off in her room. (19 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: She can also play with her magna-doodle. (30 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: Mommy...milk! (7 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: She's a cowgirl (who needs her cup to ride). (35 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: Here's a new word: "Circle" (11 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: Charlie likes to run in circles...a lot. (19 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: She also likes jumping in the jumpy-thing. (8 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: Beware of the swing monster! (18 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: The swing monster (Daddy) is out again! (15 sec.)
March 1 - April 2: We'll finish with a dual-peeing movie. (16 sec.)

February 1 - February 28: Charlie walks around babbling in her pajamas (18 sec.)
February 1 - February 28: Then she tries to get a balloon into her car! (VERY funny) (30 sec.)
February 1 - February 28: She can now walk down the stairs by herself! (13 sec.)
February 1 - February 28: Watch Charlie wash herself outside. (16 sec., sideways)
February 1 - February 28: We had lots of rain this month;  Charlie loved it! (9 sec.)
February 1 - February 28: Alex helped Charlie play the piano! (15 sec.)
February 1 - February 28: Charlie got to ride the Merry-go-round at Disneyland! (16 sec.)
February 1 - February 28: She's getting very good at doing simple puzzles... (39 sec.)
February 1 - February 28: ...and at babbling. (23 sec.)

January 1 - January 30: Watch Charlie do the Itsy-Bitsy Spider (kind of)! (26 sec.)

December 1 - December 31: Watch Charlie ride a tricycle with Papa's help! (35 sec.)

November 1 - November 30: Watch Alex catch me coming down the slide! (24 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: I love when Mommy pushes me on the swing! (10 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: Alex and I ran in the open field, and it was fun! (16 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: Daddy took me on the bouncy thing at Paige's party. (5 sec)
November 1 - November 30: Then I went on the bouncy thing by myself. (16 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: Daddy and I followed Alex down the big slide. (19 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: And then Mommy took me down too! (12 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: I tried to find the plane in the sky. (25 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: But then I figured I'd just run (and fall). (16 sec.)
November 1 - November 30: Watch me play with musical Pooh bear! (8 sec.)

October 3 - October 31: Charlie just loves to go on the swing. (7 sec.)
October 3 - October 31: It's a baby in the laundry basket, with colorful balls. (11 sec.)
October 3 - October 31: What happens when the basket tips? (26 sec.)
October 3 - October 31: Afterwards, Charlie and I rode a pony!  (12 sec.)
October 3 - October 31: Charlie helps Alex pet a bunny. (8 sec.)

August 29 - October 2: Playing in the sprinklers is fun! (14 sec.)
August 29 - October 2: Daddy read to me and Alex. (12 sec.)
August 29 - October 2: I sat on a big drum at a party. (10 sec.)
August 29 - October 2: I made a huge mess while eating! (24 sec.)
August 29 - October 2: At least I was trying to use a spoon. (35 sec.)
August 29 - October 2: Watch me dance at a wedding! (16 sec.)
August 29 - October 2: More wedding dancing. (12 sec.)
August 29 - October 2: Here's a movie of me and Alex on Daddy's birthday! (13 sec.)

August 4 - August 28: Watch me put the crayons in the box! (12 sec.)
August 4 - August 28: It's fun to bounce around Sea World! (7 sec.)
August 4 - August 28: More running, this time with Alex. (9 sec.)
August 4 - August 28: Now I'm playing out on the deck! (11 sec.)
August 4 - August 28: Did I mention I love to dance? (12 sec.)

July 8 - August 3: If Alex can do ballet, I can walk! (16 sec.)
July 8 - August 3: I like to pick things up while I walk. (35 sec.)
July 8 - August 3: More walking, this time while waiting with Mommy. (13 sec.)
July 8 - August 3: I like to climb into this kitchen drawer whenever I can! (15 sec.)

June 14 - July 7: Here's a movie from when I was just thinking about walking! (9 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: Now I'm warming up...using my walker. (10 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: Alex and I played in the pool together. (12 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: Now it's June 25, and you can see I'm taking steps. (11 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: Here's another quick walk/fall movie the next day. (7 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: I walk to Momma...and say "Mama"! (3 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: Here's the best walk movie up to this point. (20 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: Sometimes when I walk, I fall and hit my head. (9 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: Looking at my reflection in the car makes me talk! (20 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: I'm just going to clean this entire drawer out. (21 sec.)
June 14 - July 7: I can stick out my tongue! (20 sec.)

June 7 - June 13: Daddy took me on a bike ride! (10 sec.)
June 7 - June 13: I went for a walk with my walker outside. (12 sec.)
June 7 - June 13: Then Alex helped me walk (and patted me on the head)! (10 sec.)
June 7 - June 13: This is a long movie of me walking around the house. (25 sec.)
June 7 - June 13: Here's a fun one, walking on the carpet... (10 sec.)
June 7 - June 13: And now I'm walking AND talking! (33 sec.)
June 7 - June 13: Still some more talking/screaming... (11 sec.)
June 7 - June 13: And finally, watch me walk, talk, and change directions! (40 sec.)

May 10 - June 6: (no movies)

April 11 - May 9: Charlie crawls around at Sea World. (17 sec.)
April 11 - May 9: Daddy feeds both girls. (18 sec.)
April 11 - May 9: Charlie stands up on her exersaucer. (16 sec.)
April 11 - May 9: Short, cute, standing and sideways. (5 sec.)

March 8 - April 10: I'm kind of clapping here. (12 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: Here's a quick Merry-Go-Round movie. (2 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: I'm doing some great standing...until I plop down. (11 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: Here's a fantastic standing movie by the flowerpot. (14 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: Oh, is that you Mommy?  I'm comin' to get you! (23 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: Now I'm standing at Chuck E. Cheese! (17 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: How about a little post-swim chew? (17 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: Look at me at the farm in Indiana! (11 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: I also did some swinging with my sister out there. (7 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: And now we're on the way home, in the airport! (10 sec.)
March 8 - April 10: Daddy took me down the slide at Easter! (7 sec.)

February 9 - March 7:  Here's a movie of me when I was 6 months old! (25 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  Sometimes I like to eat duck in the bath. (12 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  After the bath, I'm usually very calm. (6 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  I got to play in my room with my sister! (17 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  A dog?  Oooh, that looks like fun! (6 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  That moose is so funny, he always makes me laugh! (17 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  Here's a movie from when I was almost crawling! (29 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  My sister took me on the slide at the playground. (11 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  This is what I look like in a swing. (5 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  And finally, a crawling movie! (33 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  Here's an even better one...I got the toy! (17 sec.)
February 9 - March 7:  And one more to finish it off..."yay", she says! (9 sec.)

January 19 - February 8:  Charlie sings like a bird in the backyard! (11 sec.)
January 19 - February 8:  And now she stands up in her crib. (18 sec.)
January 19 - February 8:  She loves to go on the swing with her sister... (6 sec.)
January 19 - February 8:  ...or slide down the slide with Alex and Mommy! (5 sec.)

December 29-January 18: Watch me eat some oatmeal! (11 sec.)

December 1-December 28, 2003:  Watch me sit up! (11 sec.)
December 1-December 28, 2003:  More sitting! (20 sec.)
December 1-December 28, 2003:  Watch Alex give me a kiss. (11 sec.)
December 1-December 28, 2003:  I'm playing with a baby I got for Xmas! (5 sec.)

November 11-November 30, 2003:  I can go on a baby swing now! (6 sec.)

October 29-November 10, 2003: I'm getting pretty good at rolling over! (9 sec.)
October 29-November 10, 2003: I actually like tummy time (unlike my sister did). (12 sec.)
October 29-November 10, 2003: More tummy time! (13 sec.)

October 13-28, 2003: Watch me lay on the couch on my tummy! (15 sec.)
October 13-28, 2003: And then Alex comes and talks to me. (28 sec.)
October 13-28, 2003: This is me being a happy baby... (11 sec.)
October 13-28, 2003: And now I'm so happy:  it's my first laugh! (12 sec.)
October 13-28, 2003: Finally, a little baby talk. (12 sec.)

September 29-October 12, 2003:  Photo Shoot:  First, I faced the lady... (11 sec.)
September 29-October 12, 2003:  Photo Shoot:  Then I got bounced a little bit. (6 sec.)
September 29-October 12, 2003:  Photo Shoot:  See how relaxed I was!  (16 sec.)

September 16-28, 2003:  Charlie's on the changing table. (9 sec.)
September 16-28, 2003:  Charlie's at a festival, listening to music. (11 sec.)
September 16-28, 2003:  This is what Charlie sounds like! (19 sec.)
September 16-28, 2003:  Sometimes she likes to hang out in her gym. (32 sec.)
September 16-28, 2003:  Look, she's lifting her head! (19 sec.)

September 9-15, 2003:  Just hanging out, awake! (11 sec.)
September 9-15, 2003:  Now I'm at the doctor's, getting weighed. (14 sec.)
September 9-15, 2003:  And now the long one:  getting my shots! (OUCH!) (36 sec.)

September 1-8, 2003:  I'm crying because I'm tired. (11 sec.)
September 1-8, 2003:  Watch my sister give me some love! (18 sec.)
September 1-8, 2003:  Whoops, not done yet...more love! (11 sec.)
September 1-8, 2003:  A little resting on the bed...until Alex arrives! (28 sec.)

August 26-31:  No videos this week!

August 18-25, 2003:  Watch me cry as I took this picture! (17 sec.)
August 18-25, 2003:  Now I'm still crying, but at least I'm lying down! (19 sec.)

August 11-17, 2003:  Watch me sit and look around! (21 sec.)

August 4-10, 2003: Watch my big sister take care of me! (37 sec.)

Days 3-9:  Here's the first of many Alex-holding-Charlotte movies! (21 sec.)
Days 3-9:  She's got such small fingers...see? (29 sec.)
Days 3-9:  *It's my first real bath! (9 sec.)
Days 3-9:  Charlotte was crying on the I helped! (27 sec.)
Days 3-9:  Then I sat on the bed and held her some more. (38 sec.)
Days 3-9:  At the hospital...more holding! (21 sec.)
Days 3-9:  *It's Day 3...and I'm wide awake! (16 sec.)
Days 3-9:  *I went to the doctor' wasn't fun. (10 sec.)

Days 1-2:  Getting cleaned up right after birth! (7 sec.)
Days 1-2:  Alex meets Charlie for the first time! (Kind of dark, but good.) (16 sec.)
Days 1-2:  Sleeping Charlie on Day 2 (not much action in this one). (17 sec.)



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