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March 2006


Here are my two favorite boys in the world! I just love my Buddy and Willie.
Charlie sat with me for a picture. She doesn't love the cats as much as I do!
Ballet!  I love dancing (and have a recital soon). I got a cool butterfly sticker!
I agreed to pose for two more pictures for Mommy. OK, that's enough, I'm getting embarrassed.
We're at my Princess and Pirates class! (Which I LOVE.) We get to act and play.
Charlie came to watch my performance. This is just one of the acting games we play.
We invited everyone to play along (including Daddy!). I waited until it was my turn again.
At the beach! It's kind of sandy here.
And cold, too!  Don't take me into the water! Mommy took some pictures of me at school.
I love to run and play on the grass! OK, let's go home now!
There are two movies this month!

Watch Alex at her Princess and Pirates class. (15 sec.)
One more P and P video (although neither are the best).
(26 sec.)

If there are balls around like this...I'm in them for an hour.  
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